
Archive for the ‘eating disorders’ Category

BEDA National Weight Stigma Awareness Week September 26-30

July 25, 2011 Leave a comment

The Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) is hosting National Weight Stigma Awareness Week, running September 26-30.  From their website:

Weight stigma is bullying, teasing, negative body language, harsh comments, discrimination, or prejudice based upon a person’s body size. Weight stigma is something that shames and hurts many people (of all shapes and sizes) and it is time 1) to spread an awareness of how harmful it is to all and 2) to talk about it.

From the wonderful Marsha Hudnall from Green Mountain at Fox Run:

The misguided concern revolves around the mistaken belief that a person’s health can be measured by their body size/weight.  That’s clearly a myth but it’s one that is widely considered fact.  At a minimum, the tragedy of it is that it drives what may be a perfectly healthy larger person to chase after weight loss, usually to the detriment of their health because weight loss is not something that’s healthy for them.  They end up yo-yo dieting, struggling with feelings of failure and negative self-esteem, and often giving up on self-care.  It becomes a matter of “I can’t do this so why try?”  But what they’re often giving up on is healthy behaviors, no longer making an effort to eat well, move their bodies for well-being.  Basic healthy behaviors become a victim to weight loss failure.  So does the individual.